About Our Logo


The logo for Pope Joan is taken from an ancient Tarot card, the second card of the Major Arcana, known in modern texts as the High Priestess. It represents the unseen forces of our unconscious, the source of hidden wisdom. This is the power of growth represented by the seed, with its hidden DNA blueprint to turn it into the future plant. The wisdom of the High Priestess is within us all, revealed by reflection and meditation, one step at a time.

Cabalistic correspondences of La Papessa

Hebrew letter - Gimel - camel

Egyptian goddess - Isis

Greek goddess - Artemis

Roman goddess - Diana

Celtic goddess - Bridget

Teutonic goddess - Sif

Arthurian character - Morgan le Fay

Metal - Silver

Herbs - Sweet flag, Mugwort

Christian saint - St. Brigid

Buddhism - Bodhichitta

Hollywood star - Garbo

Dante's Paradise - Angel of Poverty

Sepher Yetzirah - The Uniting Intelligence

Magickal powers - Clairvoyance, Dream divination

Magickal weapon - Bow and arrow

Animal - Dog

Stones - Moonstone, Pearl, Crystal

Perfume - Camphor

Odyssey - Penelope

Fairy Tale - Briar Rose

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