The Business of ORLOK


Over an initial three-year period, Orlok intends to develop several properties to determine the feasibility of production.

Selection criteria include:

The primary focus will be on works for the stage; however, suitable vehicles for film, video and interactive performance will also be considered. Preference will be given to vehicles which can be released through more than one medium.

Traditional processes of theatrical development will be used.This process starts with location of a property. When the property is optioned, collaborative work with the development company and creators takes the property to the "staged reading" level. The company's objective is to get each property to this level, where it can be reviewed by investors for workshopping and actual production. Workshopping would be done in joint ventures between the actual production company and regional theaters. Off-Off Broadway, Out of Town, University and Tour productions would likelybe mounted before the property goes to Chicago, London, Los Angeles, New York, film or video.

The company's development will be secured through legally binding option agreements.

Investors in Orlok will have a priority guaranteed option to participate in any production companies formed. Orlok Productions and its limited partners, will be share holders in any production it has developed.

ORLOK Productions will also follow certain strategies based on past experience and influenced by current thinking:

The Business of Orlok

Orlok Home Page

For further information about Orlok Productions please visit the Orlok Phone Book and Post Office