Archives Photos of the Reunion Be-In
La MaMa -September 10, 2005

Photographs taken by Bill Swiggard, Robert Camuto, & Nina Machlin Dayton

Allan Nicholls, Julie Arenal, Galt MacDermot, and Jeff Lunger

Andre DeSheilds

Anita Krpan and Ben Vereen

Anita Krpan and Nina

Annie Dayton, Rivka Nachoma, and Robert Camuto

Back row left to right: Jim Burns, Robin and Suzie McNamara
Middle rows, L to R: Trevor and Annie Dayton, Jim Pappaconstantine, Zoe Tobier, Leo Lunser
Front row, R to L: Michael Arian, Maureen Harwood Yost

Backs to camera: Zenobia Conkerite (pink shirt), Dale Soules (blue shirt), Jim Rado (stripped cap), Michael Butler, Larry Marshall (shaved head, beige suit), Cara Robin (blond hair), Tom O'Horgan (sitting, blue and black patterned shirt), Mike Blaxill (with camera), Allan Nicholls (green shirt), Tom Stovall (shaved head, dark jacket), Shelly Plimpton (dark shirt, jeans), Soni Moreno (pink shawl), Martha Plimpton (short blonde hair, blick top), Sibley Smith (dark jacket behind Soni).

Bruce Michael Paine and Corinne Broskette. Robert Soler on far right

Bruce Michael Paine, Sue Marn Konig, Anita Krpan watch the speakers

The cake

Serving the cake. Some of the people visible in this photos: Tom O'Horgan, Soni Moreno (sitting with Tom), Dick Osorio (white shirt to far right), Michael Butler (embroidered denim shirt), Merle Frimark (talking to Michael Butler), Marc Weiss (orange/pink shirt, glasses), Joe Butler (lavender shirt, serving cake), Natlaie Mosco (black skirt, serving cake), Robert Camuto (beige jacket), Mike Blaxill (Debbie Andrew's husband, maroon shirt).

The Biltmore Concessionaires, R to L: Rivka Nachoma, Nina Machlin Dayton, Michael Alasa'.

Corinne Broskette, Red Shepard, Jessica Kluger Marciel.

Toby Stone (blonde), Patric D'Eimon (black shirt), Ken Myers (Blue shirt, light jacket), Dick Osorio (white shirt).

Dale Soules and Nina

Debbie Andrews, Michael Butler

Debbie Andrews and Nina

Dennis Browne and Nina

Dick Osorio and David "Pappy" Hunt

Elizabeth Caveness Esquibel hugs Brice Michael Paine

Galt and Tom

Julie Arenal, Michael Butler, Galt MacDermot, and Tom O'Horgan

Julie Arenal, Galt MacDermot, and Tom O'Horgan

Julie Arenal, Michael Butler, Galt MacDermot, and Tom O'Horgan

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