[Mb-civic] Re: Carlyle Groups latest weapon (Mb-civic Digest, Vol 7, Issue 59)

Cheeseburger maxfury at granderiver.net
Mon Jan 24 13:07:05 PST 2005

Re: Carlyle Groups latest weapon (Mb-civic Digest, Vol 7, Issue 59)

It's good to see that all the addiction to violent video games by children
everywhere is finally being put to good use.

Now they can really kill something with their little virtual reality goggles
on and their Game Boy controllers firmly in hand.

At $200,000 a pop, these sound like the real wave of the future.  Expect
them to be found just about everywhere in the future and to bring Peace to
The Middle East real quickly.

Or at least until someone figures up how to disable them from a distance.

I really don't think people get it.  People "like" "al-Qaeda" (whether they
are actually "like" them or not is irrelevant, just as long as they "look"
like them should be sufficient at this late date) are quite willing to take
5, 10, 20, 30, 40, or 50 years before they decide to do something like
blowing up the World Trade Centers as "An Example" to whomever.

It's only a matter of time until they figure out how to turn a $200,000
remote controlled killing machine into a pile of sardine cans.

All in all, the days of looking into the face of someone you are going to
kill is obviously over.

I always thought half the fun of killing someone was staring at the look on
their face as you did it.

I stand corrected.

100,000 men women and children dead in Iraq and counting.  Robby The Robot
should make it much more palatable and fun from here on out.


- "Honest to God, Sarge, it looked like an insurgent in the VR goggles..."
"That's allright, son, just reload and try better next time......"


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