[Mb-civic] not good

Cheeseburger maxfury at granderiver.net
Wed Nov 24 10:45:06 PST 2004

Re:  not good

.......there has not been one report from iraq for several days on any of 
the media save a brief statement on the b.b.c. that american, british 
and,of course, iraqi forces had commenced a new offensive...we have had 
lots of reports from egypt where everyone supports the elections....but 
nothing at all from iraq....no news coverage of falluja...civilian 
casualties...not a peep.....this strikes me as being very very odd....could 
it be that the aftermath of falluja is so horrible that the media have been 
barred from "above"...???...a new offensive underway with no embedded 
reporters !!!!.. the conotations here are extremely ominous......mad baker

The Iraqization of the collective mindset, such a great misdirection and 
final desecration of Justice and Democracy, it will be noted as such in 
History books some day in the *far* distant future.  Our Oil People, and 
Our Government, among others who helped put a bullet in the skulls of John 
and Robert Kennedy, don't need Media anymore, after all at this late date 
they own them already.  It's a brand new world.  Some day soon they'll be 
able to replace the word "Prophet" in the dictionary with a simple 
Dow-Jones read-out.  Nothing is "odd" anymore.  This is the natural state 
of affairs of the new planet they have created.  It just, "oddly" enough, 
hasn't impacted the rest of the world yet, much less America, as to the 
extent of their intent.  Which makes me laugh so hard at such a collective 
blindness every day now.  If God and the Devil exist, they obviously have 
nothing better to do than to watch us all suffer and die endlessly at the 
hands of jerkoffs.  Earth.  A wasted pocket full of fools.  All bets are off.


- Eat the rich, they're nice and plump, the Iraqis are too thin, just shoot 
and bury them, we'll count them later.


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