ean at sbcglobal.net ean at sbcglobal.net
Tue Dec 21 16:09:41 PST 2004

Here's some heavy-duty stuff on Nov. 2nd 2004 election fraud.  The point 
of this isn't to deny the work that needs to be done to change the electoral 
playing field--it's just that we need to be aware of the possiblity that the 
game IS rigged and to deal with that too.  

Also:  Election Fraud 2004; A Powerpoint Presentation, by Peter 
Dreckmeier & Amy Adams CHECK THIS OUT: 


Date: Sat, 18 Dec 2004 14:27:18 -0800
From: "eon3 at earthlink.net" <eon3 at earthlink.net>
Subject: AGAINST THE HOUSE - Whither the Republic?

Only Chumps and Compulsive Gamblers Keep On Playing in a Rigged 

By James Heddle

As the Bush Machine rolls on -- through Orwellian "Patriot" Acts,
Intelligence "Reforms" and "Clear Skies" Initiatives, adding treason to
treason, felony to felony, unconstitutional domestic acts to violations of
international law, "crimes against all humankind" to crimes against the
biosphere; as it authorizes torture, domestic surveillance, and terms the
Geneva Convention "quaint" -- progressive pundits waffle on with
exhortations to hopefulness, ideological mea culpas, adjurations to
linguistic reframing, advocating emulations of the right, and statistical
analyses based on flawed polling and fraudulent vote counts, I find myself
wondering: How long are these people going to keep on playing in a rigged

The grassroots democratic drama of the 21st century is unfolding in Ohio
(not to mention New Mexico, Nevada, and oh yes, the Ukraine), blacked 
by the same pusillanimous establishment media that went along with 
Iraqi WMDs and al qaeda links; blacked out the CIA's role in bringing
crack cocaine to the country's ghettos (and apparently drove rare honest
journalist Gary Webb to an alleged  "two-shot suicide"); and ignored by
the flaccid, complicit and supine DNC, Kerry/Edwards camp and 
They're all acting exactly like the collusive wife in an abusive

The progressive strategists and operatives prattle on about the "White
Elephant" of the "race factor" in the 2004 election (duh!), but no one
seems to notice the gaggle of 500-pound gorillas sitting in the corner of
the national living room.  Please, look at the data, citizens.  The
election was stolen -- just like in 2000, 2002 and so many more before.
The system is rigged.  Don't get over it; get with it!  You can't win in a
rigged game.  Stop playing.  Change the game. 

As that great American political sage, W. C. Fields put it, "There comes a
time when we must seize the bull firmly by the tail and stare the
situation squarely in the face."  There's not enough space here to do more
than summarize the growing mountain of evidence that supports the rigged
game conclusion.  The historic Conyers Committee is piling it up as we
speak. It's easy to find.  If you haven't already, google "vote fraud,"
citizen. Read it and weep.   The incriminating facts are readily available
all over the internet and the "alternative media." 

Please, don't be like my friend, a staunch Kerry volunteer, who hasn't
looked at the Ohio story because he reads the New York Times, watches 
News Hour and dismisses all contrary data a priroi as the delusions of the
"chattering class," "paranoid conspiracy theorists" and "whining losers."
The fact is, he doesn't want to know.  His whole political paradigm would
fall apart like it did when he found out there's no Santa Claus.

But, to grasp the bull - even timorously - by the tail: the Voting
Integrity Project ( http://www.usvip.org ) points to ten factors that must
lead any fair person to question the "official" tally and insist upon an
objective recount:

1. Systematic, Widespread Voting Machine Irregularities
2. Highly Irregular Intervention by Federal Authorities
3. Impossible Vote Totals ( Some with a 1-in-250,000 chance of being
accurate, according to expert statisticians! ) 
4. Openly Partisan Election Officials
5. Openly Partisan and Untrustworthy Vendors of Election Machinery
6. Unexplained Exit Poll Disparities ( Exit polls were correct where there
was a paper trail and incorrect (+5% for Bush) where there was no paper
trail. ) 7. Unreliable and Inadequate Numbers of Voting Equipment in Poor
and Working Class (non-Republican) Areas 8. Anomalous and Atypical 
Pattern Changes from 2000 to 2004 9. Uncounted Ballots, Double Un-
Sets of Tally Tapes and Uncooperative Officials in Many Areas 10.
Widespread Illegal Voter Suppression Activities

Susan Truitt, of the Citizens Alliance for Secure Election (
http://www.caseohio.org ), one of the plaintiffs in one of the several
suits being brought in Ohio to challenge the tally, has stated that, with
just the verified irregularities and violations her organization has
documented, the election plainly goes to Kerry.  The 20 Ohio Electors who
voted for Bush did so with zero legitimacy and a second Bush term based 
their vote will be equally illegitimate.  Think about that for a minute.
If this is not a constitutional crisis, I don't know what is.

All power to Badnarik and Cobb and Arnebeck and Truitt and Fitrakis and
Bonifaz and Conyers and Waters and Jackson and Curtis and Harris and all
those brave citizens contesting the highly dubious tally in Ohio, Florida
and elsewhere.  With a judiciary stacked against them all the way to the
same Supreme Court that perpetrated the first Bush coup in 2000, their
chances of successfully litigating and reversing the outcome, having it
recognized by the judiciary, the Congress, the corporate media - not to
mention the Bush regime itself - will be a political accomplishment of
miraculous proportions and will no doubt require a Ukraine-scale turnout
of the citizenry to make it stick.  May it be so! 

However, failing a successful judicial, political, congressional and
popular revolt, we are dealing, for the indefinite future, with a fascist,
theocratic police state - and I use the terms precisely, not rhetorically.
("Fascism should more properly be called "corporatism,' since it is the
marriage of government and corporate power," said Mussolini, who ought 
know.)  Making Howard Dean head of the DNC and commissioning 
George Lakoff
to "reframe" the party's "message" and PR material would be a necessary,
but hardly sufficient response.  

A political system more crooked than a Las Vegas casino cannot qualify as
a "democracy," much less as the "leader of the free world."  And those who
continue to play in it look to me like conscious or unconscious colluders,
or just plain chumps.  Until you accurately diagnose and acknowledge the
disease, you cannot even begin to cure it.

And the disease we're dealing with - as originally diagnosed by that
astute political physician Swami Beyondananda - is "Electile Dysfunction"
complicated by advancing "Truth Decay."

The beginning of the cure, (necessary, but not sufficient), as prescribed
by political healers, like the ladies of Code Pink and other groups, is
enactment of a Voters' Bill of Rights: to wit:

1. Provide a Voter Verified Paper Trail for Touch-Screen Voting Machines
2. Create Independent, Non-Partisan and Transparent Oversight 3. 
Our Democracy: Election Day as a National Holiday! 4. Maximize Voter
Access 5. Count Every Vote! 6. Re-enfranchise Ex-Felons 7. Implement
Instant Runoff Voting (IRV) 8. Provide Public Financing for Elections and
Equal Air-Time 9. Ensure Third Party Candidates Easier Access to the
Ballot and Debates 10. Abolish the Electoral College ( Sign on at:
ml )

My simple point is this - until a majority of progressive activists and
intellectual opinion-makers  drop the delusions and cop to the fact that
we are playing in a game intentionally and adroitly rigged against us, we
will not win, we will not govern, we will not be prepared to govern,
because we will not deserve to govern.  Good losers -- like John "Quick
Concession" Kerry and the "professional losers" of the DNC -- will
predictably go on losing.  Just like the chain-smoking, gin-sipping,
polyester-clad grandma pumping endless quarters into the slot machine.

"I don't have that much time here in Washington," Bush told a White 
"economic summit" the other day.  If this really is a nation of laws, he
should have a lot less time than he thinks.  ( Yes, citizens.  We must
dare to think such thoughts, if we are to be worthy of Jefferson, Franklin
and Paine. )

There's a "Block Bush Constitutional Insurrection"  rally and demo being
organized by RedefeatBush.com  from 10am - 4pm, January 6, at Upper 
Park, Capitol Hill in Washington, D.C. when the electoral college vote is
delivered to Congress.  The Ohio recount will be done by then.  We should
have learned enough from the lawsuits and investigations to know the
 Got democracy?  See you there.  

 ( For more info on the Block Bush, a Constitutional Insurrection on
January 6, 2005:
ay =6&year=2005&eventid=228    Not to be confused with the events 
organized by www.answercoalition.org  and
www.VoterMarch.org/j20hq/index.html on January 20th.  Methinks 
Day is too late to protest.)

James Heddle is a documentary filmmaker:  eon3 at earthlink.net

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Action is the antidote to despair.  ----Joan Baez
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