[Mb-civic] Once Indifferent, Saudis Allied With U.S. in Fighting Al Qaeda

Cheeseburger maxfury at granderiver.net
Mon Aug 9 06:06:54 PDT 2004

Re:  Once Indifferent, Saudis Allied With U.S. in Fighting Al Qaeda

August 8 2004

RIYADH, Saudi Arabia; After years of giving tacit support and back-channel 
financing to Islamic extremists, the Saudi government has joined forces 
with the United States in an intensive battle against Al Qaeda in the 
desert kingdom.

Good one.  A "Must Read" article.

My CheeseThoughts:

The bloodthirsty tyrants in "The World's Largest Oil Producing Country" on 
earth, Saudi Arabia, who swindle, cheat, oppress and murder not only their 
own people but anyone else they can get their hands on, have been backing 
and financing al-Qaeda forever.

They have so much money they can't poopoo straight, but they have "double 
digit employment" running around in their land nevertheless due to the 
Saudi Royal Family who rules with an iron fist and a sharp sword against 
the blood vessels of the neck over "all the 'pipsqueaks' beneath The Royal 
Family" who are stupid enough to "squeak up" about "anything".

It must be good to be king...  They just don't wear swastikas over there, 
and just happen to have oodles of oil, so that, of course, automatically 
makes them "Really Nice People".

And now "things are heating up", they're "afraid one of the Saudi Royals 
might get hurt or assassinated", and so the CIA, Pentagon, FBI, NSA, ETC 
are sitting in little secret rooms in Saudi Arabia tracking as many 
"terrorists" that they can keep tabs on to "try to stop terrorism", but 
primarily "to protect The Royal Family of Saud" and "the stability of our 
friends The Really Nice Oil People".

They, too, owe us their share of 3,000 lives, 2 World Trade Centers, and a 
slough of other things, for forever backing al-Qaeda to begin with.

They can take OPEC and shove it up their ass.

But now they are sitting in Saudi Arabia with all *Our Top Guys* "trying to 
track down the bad guys" who might harm "The Royal Family", because "we are 
all in this together now...".

Yes, indeed, it appears that we *are* "all in this together", doesn't it.....

The only problem is that we've "all been in this together" for much much 
longer than September 11, 2001.

And "we" are now over there in the country that produces the most of all of 
earth's oil, in the middle of a glut of oil, money, influence and absolute 
power wielded absolutely, that helped form and back al-Qaeda and bin-Laden, 
just as we did.

Trying to swat the mosquitos we all once used as a weapon against whomever 
we chose for whatever reasons we chose:  The Russians, the U.S., the 
Saudi's backs, the you name it.

Protecting the Saudi Royal Family, just as we did on September 13, 2001.

The more things change, the more they stay the same.....

Including the speed with which mosquitos reproduce and tyrants can buy 

Now, after backing and financing al-Qaeda forever, if The Royal Family of 
Saudi Arabia can only use their vast wealth, influence, and power to 
resurrect those 3,000 people and return America and NYC back to some 
semblance of what it was before September 11, 2001, I might have some form 
of sympathy for them.

They can't.   I don't.

Oddly enough, neither can the "CIA, Pentagon, FBI, NSA, ETC".

Don't you ever get the strange feeling that only some of "The People At The 
Top" are "Now All In This Together" while the rest of us poor shmucks are 
shit out of luck...?

They are.  You should.


- Where has the sparrow gone now that I need its song.


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