[Mb-civic] Fwd: War Gaming Terrorism

Ross MacLean rossj_maclean at yahoo.com
Thu Aug 5 20:25:50 PDT 2004

> War Gaming Terrorism 
> (Excerpts from a magazine for Muslim terrorists)
> Part 1 
> August 1, 2004 
> by Tom Marzullo 
> This is the first part of a series of analyses that
> seeks to game out 
> potential terrorist attacks from the terrorist point
> of view, using something other 
> than the farcical paradigms used by software
> engineers.  It relies instead on 
> the real world where unknowns and variables abound,
> where cultural blindness 
> and differences impact greatly and human frailty is
> a constant.  Where limited 
> resources, betrayals and impersonations are a part
> of the environment… an 
> unclean world fraught with uncertainty and risk. 
> We know a very great deal about the Islamists…
> their culture, habits, 
> organization, tactics, weaponry, training… and
> most importantly their strategic 
> intent. 
> Al-Qaeda's al-Battar magazine is but one guide that
> we will use here, as are 
> after-actions-reports and most importantly, an
> understanding of history and 
> unconventional warfare where ingenuity reigns and
> there are seldom second 
> chances to get away clean.  Welcome to the shadows,
> to the everyday world of special 
> operations… 
> What is proposed here is to game out certain basic
> types of attacks and what 
> the Islamists hope to gain by their conduct.  It
> will be a scary, micro-look 
> at the suppurating lesions on the body politic that
> have, so far, been seldom 
> seen in our part of the world. 
> It is also an opportunity to do something useful
> about them. 
> Airliners 
> We already know that a fully fueled airliner is a
> deadly tool for martyrdom 
> attacks despite the American media's refusal to
> acknowledge the painful reality 
> of the aftermath.  So much the better for us to have
> such willing allies as 
> it demonstrates that Allah is on our side. 
> We also know that box cutters are now an outdated
> means of executing 
> takeovers.  We also know that our teams have already
> made successful dry runs in 
> overseas airports and have their detailed reports. 
> As predicted, the Transportation Safety
> Administration (TSA) has effectively 
> sealed very few of the breaches and made sure that
> political correctness rules 
> the day.  According to the screeners, TSA's boss,
> Secretary Mineta has 
> decreed that we Middle-Eastern males should not be
> targeted for extra security 
> awareness and instead concentrates on little old
> ladies and disabled persons, while 
> virtually ignoring cargo aircraft. 
> For the purposes of this discussion we will consider
> that all sufficiently 
> large aircraft types with a full load of fuel and
> cargo are targets for such a 
> takeover, since all that is needed is speed, mass
> and fuel. 
> Therefore each of our Islamist operative control
> cells has selected a team of 
> five recent illegals with two having single or
> multi-engine pilot 
> qualifications having been trained in a computer
> simulator and familiarized with the 
> targets.  Only two English speakers will be
> required. The two pilots are for the 
> cockpit and the other three will form the assault
> team.  We plan that level II 
> ballistic vests are worn by the team's pilots, since
> many American commercial 
> pilots are now armed with pistols.  The cargo
> aircraft do not have the 
> reinforced doors that passenger aircraft now have. 
> To get the weapons for the takeover onboard the
> aircraft, we plan to ship 
> several complete sets in readily identifiable
> containers with the shipper 
> selected so that our team can walk in 'clean' past
> the gate security.  The vests have 
> been brought in earlier and are stashed in lockers
> with known combinations.  
> The team only needs to open the boxes to extract the
> weapons required for the 
> armed assault/takeover. 
> Perimeter security is established and the aircraft
> is boarded and 
> commandeered.  This is made easier by the absence of
> the passengers that became so 
> troublesome over Pennsylvania in 2001. 
> The aircraft will be taxied out without the tower's
> permission, if necessary 
> and this makes little difference as the primary and
> secondary targets are 
> local to the airport thereby removing the danger of
> the plane being targeted by 
> military aircraft of which there are too few already
> airborne to provide uniform 
> coverage. Shoulder-launched anti-aircraft missiles
> (MANPADS) are not 
> available to airport security as yet, so there is
> virtually no danger of being shot 
> down upon take-off. 
> These local targets are easily identifiable from the
> air because of the large 
> parking areas surrounding them and by the major
> access roads that lead past 
> them.  Large shopping malls are easily identified in
> this way from the air, 
> especially in the evenings and although they are low
> targets they generally 
> present a larger lateral profile than the strongly
> constructed Pentagon did. 
> Taller buildings are good targets as well since
> altitude is less of a concern 
> and so these are among the primaries for a daytime
> strike, if not normally 
> lit like office buildings typically are.  
> Bridges are excellent secondary targets as they are
> easily identified from 
> the air and have the added benefit of blocking two
> transportation routes with a 
> single strike.  Dropping a bridge over major rivers
> blocks barge and ship 
> traffic.  
> Since all commercial and private flights are
> expected to be grounded within 
> an hour or two of the first impact, our strikes must
> be carried out 
> simultaneously for maximum effect. 
> Therefore, our Islamist control cells will select at
> least two teams per 
> major airport in their assigned area and mix the
> aircraft types targeted.  This is 
> done in the secure knowledge that if a passenger
> liner is targeted, virtually 
> all available security will be focused on the
> passenger terminals nationwide 
> within minutes, thereby freeing the cargo aircraft
> areas from response teams.
> The teams selected for the sacrifice do not need a
> pilot since they are 
> expected to fail and so draw all attention to
> themselves.  They are instructed to 
> do this by concentrating their efforts at causing
> casualties in the airport, 
> since nothing draws American security forces faster
> than the fresh blood of 
> Infidels. 
> The number of illegal martyrs we have already had
> brought across the borders 
> are more than sufficient to staff such actions at
> will during this first 
> iteration.  As borders close down, our control cell
> will have to husband staff more 
> carefully, but we do not anticipate manpower
> shortages in the longer term. 
> This is but one type of strike to be carried out
> this day as the intent is to 
> quickly overextend the American responders
> capabilities and so give us 
> virtually free reign. 
> The basic rule of warfare is that your enemy cannot
> be strong everywhere… we 
> have learned this lesson well. 
> God is Great… 
> Part 2 
> This is the second part of a series of analyses that
> seeks to partially game 
> out potential terrorist attacks from the terrorist's
> point of view, using 
> realistic measures that we know or suspect are
> available to them.  You see, we 
> know a very great deal about the Islamists… their
> culture, habits, organization, 
> tactics, weaponry, training… and most importantly
> their strategic intent.  
> Most of this is through their own words and from
> their own publications and 
> message traffic. 
> Al-Qaeda's al-Battar magazine is but one guide that
> we will use here, as are 
> after-actions-reports and most importantly, an
> understanding of the history 
> and conduct of unconventional warfare where
> ingenuity reigns and there are 
> seldom second chances to get away clean.  
> What is proposed here is to game out certain basic
> types of attacks and what 
> the Islamists hope to gain by their conduct.  It
> will be a scary, micro-look 
> at the suppurating lesions on the body politic that
> have, so far, been seldom 
> seen in our part of the world. 
> It is also an opportunity to do something useful
> about them. 
> Very Large Improvised Explosive Devices 
> This one is a favorite tactic within our holy
> legion's armory.  It is 
> probably the most difficult tactic to guard against
> and we have had long experience 
> with employing this in the Middle East, Asia and in
> the very belly of the 
> beast, Israel.  Now we will use it against the
> Infidel Americans. 
> What we intend to target informs our decision about
> what kind of vehicle to 
> steal.  As you know we have a wide variety of
> targets to choose from in our 
> area of operations. 
> First we have large buildings, whether it is
> commercial or government does 
> not concern us in the least, as it is more a matter
> of physical construction of 
> the target.  For these we want to choose an enclosed
> truck of sufficient size 
> to carry the explosives. 
> Next we have area targets such a schools, inner city
> walking malls and parks. 
>  For these a tanker truck of gasoline is one of the
> better choices and we can 
> make this even more effective by adding a thickening
> agent such a soap flakes 
> to turn the cargo into sticky napalm.  This will
> give the Infidels a taste of 
> hell before they arrive. 
> Another target pleasing to Allah will be structures
> such as bridges and 
> tunnels.  Again these can be targeted with large
> quantities of explosives in a 
> covered truck.  Detonation is best carried out after
> a study of the structure 
> itself, for instance in the case of suspension
> bridges, the support towers are the 
> most desirable portion to destroy as the rest of the
> structure will collapse 
> of it's own accord if one or more are taken out. 
> Our glorious martyr who is driving can detonate the
> charges or we can 
> detonate remotely or automatically using a GPS
> device to ensure best placement of the 
> charge.  Our control cells have been gathering GPS
> data on all structures in 
> their operational area and calculating the charges
> and placement required.  
> This eases the training requirements for the martyr,
> as now he knows that we 
> will not fail him in his martyrdom.
> As an adjunct to a primary explosion, we have to
> option of pre-placing 
> secondary explosives designed to cause more
> casualties.  These can be triggered by a 
> timer or remotely as the tactical situation
> dictates.  Of even more benefit 
> will be to steal or make mock-ups of ambulances
> and/or police vehicles so as to 
> get then right into the thick of the rescuers before
> detonating them. 
> Ambulances are especially useful in that these can
> be sent to the hospital or 
> triage area before detonating them. 
> Uniforms for police, firemen and emergency personnel
> are available 
> commercially and so our control cells have been
> laying in a supply so as to cloak our 
> martyrs until the last moment. 
> By using this ploy we can delay the arrival of the
> rescuers at future attacks 
> by instilling fear of unchecked vehicles and in all
> cases cause additional 
> delays that will cause more infidels to die, Allah
> be praised. 
> Blessed be the martyrs for they shall dwell in
> heaven forever. 
> Tom Marzullo is a columnist/physicist/educator who
> is a former US Army 
> Special Forces combat soldier and US Navy Submariner
> with special operations 
> experience in both services. He was the leader of
> the Internet-based effort by 
> Special Forces veterans that debunked the false
> CNN/TIME magazine nerve gas story, 
> 'Tailwind' and has provided testimony before the US
> Senate on military and 
> intelligence matters. He resides in Colorado. 

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